
Note: To modify the options described below find the default line of code specified for each option.

.animateHide { true | false }
When true disappears by fading out gradually; when false disappears immediately.
Default code line: this.animateHide = true;
.hideSpeed { # of milliseconds }
The number of milliseconds it takes for the tooltip to disappear (when set to 0 disappears instantly).
Default code line: this.hideSpeed = 500;
.maxOpacity { range: [ 0, 1 ] }
The maximum opacity value used when the tooltip is displayed: using values less than 1 will make the tooltip semi-transparent.
Default code line: this.maxOpacity = 1;
.showSpeed { # of milliseconds }
The number of milliseconds it takes for the tooltip to appear (when set to 0 appears instantly).
Default code line: this.showSpeed = 500;
.showTime { # of milliseconds }
The number of milliseconds the tooltip is displayed before it disappears while the mouse cursor is motionless.
Default code line: this.showTime = 10000;
.stalking { true | false }
When true follows the mouse cursor; when false only uses mouse coordinates when fading in.
Default code line: this.stalking = false;
.wordbreak { # of characters }
The maximum number of characters per word before it will break onto the next line.
Default code line: this.wordbreak = 60;
.wordwrap { # of characters }
The maximum number of characters to display on one line before the lines starts to wrap. If the maximum number occurs in the middle of a word, the line will wrap at the end of the word.
Default code line: this.wordwrap = 55;
This website was designed, developed and is maintained by © Vadim Kononov.